Nurturing Purpose-Driven Leaders to Transform Businesses.

Dysfunctional relationships caused by conflicting values are the root cause of poorly performing businesses.


A culture rooted in a Biblical worldview leads to restored relationships and trust that accelerates holistic growth.

Energizing businesses by transforming mindsets.


We enable business leaders to align culture to purpose. We support leaders to build business cultures characterized by hard work, accountability, integrity and trust. We are an organization of successful business executives and economic development professionals who have learned from experience that empowered mindsets lead to a measurable improvement in business performance.

Nurturing purpose-driven leaders.


Whether it’s CEOs, business executives, or high potential youth, we help faith-driven leaders achieve their God-given purpose through biblical worldview training and individual leadership coaching. For emerging youth leaders, we also provide scholarships, biblical life skills training and mentorship.


“Our worldview is the window by which we view the world, and decide, often subconsciously, what is real and important, or unreal and unimportant.”

— Phillip Johnson

“Profit is not important as an end in and of itself. Rather, it becomes the means of attracting sufficient capital to allow the business to do what, from God’s perspective, it is in business to do—that is, to serve its customers and employees.”

— Jeff Van Duzer


“A poverty mindset rather than lack of resources limits the growth of businesses in Africa.”

— Rev. Canon, Dr. Dennis Tongoi