“By their fruit you will know them.”

(Matthew 7:15-20) 

Root-to-Fruit works with redemptive businesses, business leaders, and emerging youth leaders to transform lives through biblically-based principles of empowerment.

Redemptive Businesses

Root-to-Fruit helps business leaders align their organizational culture with their redemptive purpose through a series of biblical mindset transformation workshops. We equip leaders to work with their various stakeholders—ranging from local and international staff to clients and service providers—to adopt a willingness to replace their cultural biases with biblical worldview principles that are both empowering and transformative.

Outcomes achieved through this process includes:

  1. Purpose: Leaders share a common understanding of their redemptive business purpose.

  2. Common Culture: Leaders embrace shared biblical principles and values that foster a culture of teamwork, results-orientation, and a commitment to unleashing restorative, healing power for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders.

  3. Language: Leaders have a common language for understanding and resolving cultural differences and interpersonal conflicts.

  4. Values: Leaders live out organizational values and role model more broadly the biblical beliefs, values and behavior change that staff need to adopt for the business to flourish.

Business Leaders

Root-to-Fruit provides individual coaching and mentorship to faith-driven business leaders based on a combination of Biblical principles and best practices in organizational leadership. We help business leaders grow personally as individuals while learning how to nurture a positive, value-based culture and a collaborative, high performance work environment. Individual coaching for business leaders is best accomplish in combination with broader mindset transformation program initiatives to transform the overall culture in which the leader operates.

Emerging Youth Leaders

Root-to-Fruit is dedicated to nurturing high potential youth, helping them grow into the high performing leaders who will run the businesses and organizations of tomorrow. We invest in underprivileged emerging leaders from high-risk environments with interventions that start in childhood and continue throughout the years of schooling and beyond. Root-to-Fruit’s youth program is built around the God with Us curriculum, which is based on the same Empowered Worldview principles we use with business leaders.

We work directly with youth, teaching biblical life skills and the importance of character, while engaging in practical mentorship to help them choose appropriate careers and to develop skills to succeed as emerging leaders. We provide scholarships for primary and secondary school children who lack a nurturing home environment, and pay tuition for technical college and university for students who have the potential to succeed in those environments. In addition, we arrange apprenticeships and internships with businesses to help youth transition to good employment.